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    In Dedication to Comandante Hugo Chávez

    Statement from Fire This Time to Hugo Chávez & the Venezuelan People

    To the Dignified People of Venezuela,

    On behalf of the Fire This Time Newspaper based in Vancouver, BC, Canada we would like to extend to you a message of strength and solidarity in a difficult time. Around the world everyone fighting against imperialism and for a better world is today thinking about one of our great revolutionary leaders in this struggle, President Hugo Chávez Frías. Everyone is wishing him a quick recovery as we reflect on the great accomplishments of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela and think about the struggles yet to come. As the great leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, recently said, “The name of Hugo Chávez is admired and respected in the world.”

    We know that our revolutionary leader President Chávez will be here with us always, as we work together to build the better future that humanity needs and deserves.

    ¡ P A ’ L A N T E COMANDATE!

    In Solidarity,
    Fire This Time Newspaper

    Good Wishes for President Chávez from Western Canada

    December 17, 2012

    Report courtesy of the Consulate General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in Vancouver

    People of different religions gathered Sunday in the Catholic Church, Our Lady of Sorrows, in the city of Vancouver, to pray for the speedy recovery of the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez.

    After the day of prayer, participants gathered outside the church with banners showing messages related to the Venezuelan leader. “Pa’lante Comandante!” and “I am also Chavez” were some of the phrases that could be read on the banners. Azza Rojbi, a young Tunisian resident of this city, took the opportunity to send a message of solidarity to President Hugo Chávez. “He is a leader not only for Venezuela and Latin America, but to the peoples of the Middle East, my people of Tunisia and the Palestinian people as well,” expressed the member of the group Fire This Time.

    Another person who participated was Tamara Hansen, a high school teacher born and raised on the west coast of Canada. Hansen, who is participating in the group Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba, also sent her good wishes to the leader. “I call upon the people of the world to support President Chavez and the Venezuelan people. We continue forward. Pa’lante Comandante,” cried the girl using a fairly fluent Spanish.

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