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    Join the Campaign to Free Soldier of Humanity Bradley Manning

    By Janine Solanki

    Bradley Manning is accused of leaking over 260,000 classified United States diplomatic cables, as well as videos and documents which have become known as the Afghan War Diary and the Iraq War Logs. Published on the whistleblower site Wikileaks, they further exposed U.S. war crimes around the world including mass killings, torture, corruption, and the government’s web of lies. Bradley Manning made a courageous decision to let the world know the truth behind the atrocities being hidden by the United States government.

    Over the past two years of imprisonment, the U.S. military “justice” system has used torture and unjust, criminal treatment to punish Bradley Manning and to say to other soldiers “if you speak out, this will happen to you.” But this has only made the call for justice and the demand for civil and human rights stronger and louder by Bradley Manning’s supporters around the world. Bradley was held in solitary confinement for the first 10 months of his incarceration. During this time he was denied meaningful exercise, social interaction, sunlight, and has occasionally been kept completely naked. These conditions were unique to Bradley and are illegal even under U.S. military law as they amount to extreme pre-trial punishment. In the upcoming August 27 – 31 pre-trial hearings, the conditions that Bradley has faced in his two years of detention will be taken into account.

    While the legal proceedings take place, the strongest defense for Bradley Manning is that of the people all around the world taking to the streets with their picket signs, banners and voices demanding “Free Bradley Manning!” Here in Vancouver, Canada, the Free Bradley Manning Campaign is working in coordination with international efforts and organizes petition drives, forums and pickets at the U.S. Consulate to demand freedom for Bradley Manning. With a strong and consistent international campaign, we can keep Bradley Manning’s case in the public eye and under public pressure, and see this soldier for humanity free!

    For more info: http://bradleymanning.org

    To get involved in the Free Bradley Manning Campaign in Vancouver, Canada visit http://www.mawovancouver.org

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