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      Voice Message From Diplomat Alex Saab Held Unjustly in U.S. Jail

      "I want to thank Code Pink and Fire This Time for the support they have given me and my family. It's been almost a thousand days since I was illegally detained, I am a political prisoner, there is no doubt about it. A prisoner of an unconventional war that the United States has unilaterally declared against us, imposing criminal sanctions that have caused terrible damage to the people of Venezuela. The United States must retake the path of peace, Venezuela is not an enemy. Political differences should not prevent us from maintaining diplomatic and economic relations between our nations. The government of our President Nicolas Maduro has already extended his hand several times with the aim of reestablishing cordial relations with the United States based on mutual respect. It's time to leave those mistakes in the past and move forward. I call for peace and reconciliation, it is time to shake hands."

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