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      Support the #RiseUpForPeltier Campaign for Clemency
      for U.S. political prisoner Leonard Peltier

      Leonard Peltier is an Indigenous activist and political prisoner in the United States. In 1975, Leonard was set up and convicted of the death of two FBI agents who had sped on to the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota in an un-marked car. The FBO agents then began a shoot-out. Leonard is 72 years old and, as of February 6, he has been imprisoned for 46 years. Regardless of his innocence and huge health problems, including contracting Covid-19, the U.S. refuses to release him. Despite huge adversity he continues to speak out for Indigenous rights and social justice.

      Call-to-Action from the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee (ILPDC)

      Leonard Peltier, Anishinaabe and Dakota, has spent over 4 decades of his life behind bars, and recently, the prison system has failed to provide him adequate care and protection against COVID-19. His story is the epitome of the systemic abuse that continues to target Indigenous people and Movement Leaders.

      We call upon President Biden to show proof of his efforts toward justice and equity by granting Executive Clemency to elder movement leader Leonard Peltier.

      Call the White House and demand the release of Leonard Peltier. (202) 456-1111.

      Say you support the commutation of #LeonardPeltier’s sentence.

      He’s held at USP-Coleman I in Florida. Register number 89637-132

      Sign the online petition by following the link, Click Here!

      Donate to the International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, Click Here!

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