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      Silence is a disgrace

      Excerpt from a poem by Khalida Al-Nasiry*

      The chains of evil cannot be broken by poetry,
      I will certainly knock down the corners of my enemies,
      And the injustice in my homeland will not last long.
      The pulse of my heart will tweet with dreams,
      And the blood of those who have been killed will make a revolution,
      A white revolution that will rise up against those who infringed the dignity,

      Khalida al-NasiriL (B. 1986) is a poet from Sana'a, Yemen. She holds a degree in Arabic literature from Sana'a University. Khalida's poem represented the voices of Yemenis against the intevention of Saudi in Yemen. To read the full poem and other poems by Young Yemenis visit: www.shatteredwindows.com

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