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      Cuban Women & the Struggle for Socialism & Equality
      Celebrating March 8th International Women's Day

      By Tamara Hansen

      On March 11, 2018 Cubans will be electing their next national assembly, and based on the candidates, it is anticipated that Cuba’s next parliament will be over 53% female. If these candidates are ratified, Cuba will rank second in the world for the highest participation of women in parliament.

      The last election for Cuban parliament was held in 2013 and Cuba’s national parliament became the third highest in the world in terms of their high representation of women (below only Rwanda and Bolivia) at 48.9% female.

      Canada, on the other hand, was very excited to announce after the federal election in 2015 that 88 women were elected to parliament (a national record!), the Canadian Broadcast Corporation published an article reminding us, "50% population, 25% representation. Why the parliamentary gender gap?" They explain, "A record 88 women were elected in the 2015 federal election, up from 76 in 2011. The increase represents a modest gain in terms of representation, with women now accounting for 26 per cent of the seats in the House." This actually leaves Canada at 64th place in terms of the percentage of women in national government compared to countries around the world.

      For Cuban women, the gains are not only in the national government. In November 2012, Adela Hernandez was the first openly trans person in Cuba to be elected in the municipal elections in Caibarien, Villa Clara province. Since 2007 sex-change surgery has been made available for free to trans people in Cuba under their universal health care system. These are important gains made for women’s rights, no matter their gender assigned at birth.

      On February 28, 2018 the New York Times published the article, "Goodbye Castros, Hello Communist Party." The article rails against Cuba's so-called authoritarian government, however it was widely criticized on Twitter for the photo it used of Cuba's parliament, which demonstrates its diversity in terms of age, gender, and race. A few tweeted side-by-side photos with American and Canadian elected officials to remind people of the deep contradiction of the New York Times critiquing Cuba’s electoral system, while both the U.S. and Canada have so-called democracies which do not reflect society.

      The article also accuses Cuba of nepotism related to Cuban President Raul Castro's children. It explains, "Mr. Castro’s son and daughter will remain in powerful positions, as well. His son, Alejandro, is influential at the Ministry of the Interior, and his daughter, Mariela, is a member of the National Assembly and the head of Cuba’s most important gender think tank, Cenesex. Alejandro is known for his love for efficiency, and Mariela for her love for L.G.B.T. causes. But neither is known for a love of liberal politics." Usually the bourgeois North American media accuses the Cuban government of homophobia, but here they briefly acknowledge the revolutionary work of Mariela Castro (as the Director of Cuba’s Centre for Sex Education - CENESEX), but as if it is a joke, rather than an important grassroots movement supported by government institutions in Cuba. It is also important to note that Cuba’s constitution includes a special article for women and gender equality. Article 44 states, "Women and men enjoy equal economic, political, cultural, social, and familial rights. The State guarantees that women will be offered the same opportunities and possibilities as men to achieve their full participation in the development of the country. [...] The State strives to create all the conditions that will lead to the implementation of the principle of equality." This is an important part of the protection and advancement of women rights under law. Of course, laws for gender equality can always be passed, the question is always if those laws are respected and implemented by government.

      The dynamism of Cuban women& the Cuban Federation of Women

      Even if we ignored the gains of Cuban women in parliament, there are other gains in health, education and everyday life that we can learn from.

      Since Comandante Fidel Castro and his revolutionary guerilla fighters began their struggle for revolution with the attack on the Moncada army barracks in 1953, there have been courageous women involved in the struggle. Melba Hernández, Celia Sánchez, Vilma Espín, HaydéeSantamaría, and the all-women Mariana Grajales Brigade are some famous examples of the importance of women’s leadership in the Cuban revolution.

      Fidel Castro said, "They talk about the failure of socialism, but where is the success of capitalism in Africa, Asia and Latin America?" The fight for women’s equality in Cuba has not been easy and is not finished. However, it is only thanks to Cuba’s socialist revolution and ongoing socialist project, that the space has been opened for women to push forward and advance their causes. This means striving towards equality between genders and an end to the exploitation of one human being by another. Has Cuba totally eradicated sexism and patriarchy? NO! Both Cuban women and men will tell you, they have a long ways to go.

      Since 1960, the Cuban Women’s Federation (FMC), a mass organization, has been developing policies and programs aimed at achieving full equality for women in all spheres and levels of Cuban society. Among the objectives of this organization is to contribute to the training and well-being of the next generations. The FMC has thousands of branches across the country at the grassroots level, as well as, municipal, provincial and national offices. They organize “Casas de Orientación a la Mujer y la Familia” (Women and family orientation houses), workshops, forums, a magazine, online blogs, laws and policies for workplaces, intuitions and government, and even community block parties.

      Access to affordable childcare gives women the possibility to further contribute to society and the economy. In Cuba there are many work places that have free childcare centres to encourage women to participate in the economy and make life easier for Cuban families. In fact, a decreasing birthrate in Cuba, along with aging population, which is generally only a problem in industrialised or ‘first world’ countries, is leading to some changes in Cuban law. In February 2017, the Washington Post published an article titled, "Cuba wants more babies, so it’s giving parental leave to grandparents, too." Journalist Nick Miroff writes, "The island already has one of the most generous parental leave policies in the Americas, allowing mothers and fathers to take more than a year off from work at partial pay. The new decree extends those benefits to maternal and paternal grandparents." This is an interesting new initiative, which demonstrates how Cuba attempts to confront challenges, such as a low birth rate and aging population, in dynamic and creative ways.

      In June 2015 the New York Times published another article, "The Cuban woman: A rising power," which explained, “Cuba consistently ranks high in international surveys regarding women’s status, standing at 18 among 142 nations in women’s political empowerment and at number two for percentage of women in parliament, according to the 2014 World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap report. By contrast, the United States is ranked at 54 in women’s political empowerment and 83 for women in parliament (U.S. Senate and U.S. House).” Continuing, the article explains, "Today, women make up nearly half of [Cuba]’s work force and more than half of university faculties, and hold top portfolios in the ministries.”

      Vilma Espin, President of the Cuban Federation of Women until her passing in 2007, once said, “Socialism for Cuban women means freedom, independence, sovereignty, dignity, social justice, security for the education and development of their children, the right to equality, to life, to decide their own destiny, to work for the future dreamed of and defended with all forces.”

      In an interesting observation, Margaret Randall, an American feminist and author of the ground breaking book "Cuban Women Now" (1972), was in Havana last February to launch the Spanish version of her autobiography, "To Change the World: My Years in Cuba" (Rutgers UP, 2009) / "Cambiar el mundo. Misañosen Cuba (Ediciones Matanzas, 2016). In an interview with Cuban Art News, she spoke about her time living in Cuba from 1969-1980. She explains, "Cuba gave me so much: a life experience in a socialist country that taught me it is possible to build a more just society. I don’t know what I gave Cuba, and in any case it’s for others to say. I know that at times my feminism was too much for the Cuba of those years. My opinions and attitudes weren’t always well received. With the passage of time, I think we’ve come closer together, Cuba and I." This is the power of the Cuban revolution, a constant evolution and moving forward, correcting mistakes and finding new solutions, this is why it is a truly dynamic revolution.

      Celebrate March 8 – International Women’s Day

      Every year International Women’s Day (IWD) is a time for women around the world to reflect on the gains and challenges our gender continues to face.

      At the same time, fighting for women’s equality and liberation is not only for women, but for all of humanity. Firstly, because one of the most important steps to improving the lives of all children, is the empowerment of women. Secondly, because the deeply harmful ideology and values that capitalist patriarchy forces on men not only debase and demean women, but men as well. While women are often referred to as a ‘minority’ we are 51% of the human race, which deserves to find its rightful and equal place in this world.

      While Cuba is not perfect, it is an important example of the accomplishments women can make when society sets the elimination of inequality as a real goal in law, policy and action. Of course, capitalism relies on keeping us divided. The capitalist system relies on dividing and conquering to rule. That is why sexism, racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and so many other forms of division and oppression are consistently used to convince working and oppressed people that they have more in common with the wealthy ruling class, than with each other. It is because of this that there will be no true liberation for women until capitalism is abolished.

      On March 8, 2018 women around the world will celebrate the gains our sisters have made in struggles for women’s equality and liberation worldwide. We must understand how far we have come, in order to also understand how far we have to go.

      Follow Tamara Hansen on Twitter: @THans01

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